
Montea has registered strong growth in its portfolio in France since being listed on the stock exchange. In signing the partnership agreement with J|MO, Montea aims to strengthen its presence in France. The partnership seeks to accelerate Montea’s development in that country.


Building on an affinity of long standing with the logistics real estate market, J|MO, represented by Julien Mongoin, has the necessary experience to embark on new developments for Montea in France. A graduate of the École Nationale des Travaux Publics (ENTPE), Julien Mongoin worked as Development Director from 2007 to 2010 at Nexity Geprim, a French property development company. Since the end of 2010, he was the Development and Acquisitions’ Director of Barjane, a business real estate planning and development company.

Jean de Beaufort, Director Montea France: “We are delighted to join forces and resources with J|MO. The complementary nature of our skills is bound to boost the chances of success of future ambitious development projects.”

Julien Mongoin, Manager J|MO: “I am proud to place the skills and network of J|MO at the disposal of Montea and its team. The values we hold in common, namely respect for partners, a quest for quality and dedication to customer satisfaction, will undoubtedly enable us to develop Montea’s assets in France at prime locations, with latest generation properties “made in Montea”.”