- Montea Management NV
Industrielaan 27, box 6, B- 9320 Erembodegem (Aalst) | RCB Gand, Department Dendermonde 0882 872 026 | VAT BE882 872 026.
On 1 October 2006, this company was appointed as Manager and in this capacity manages Montea NV and its subsidiaries. The company's purpose, in Belgium and abroad, in its own name or on behalf of third parties, for its own account or on behalf of third parties, is to perform actions that are necessary or useful for achieving the civic purpose of Montea NV. The company, as Manager of Montea NV, acts in the exclusive interest of all shareholders. The company assesses a fee from the CEIC each year for the carrying out of its function. - Montea NV/SA
Registered office: Industrielaan 27, box 6, B-9320 Erembodegem (Aalst) | RCB Gand, Departement Dendermonde 0417 186 211 | VAT BE417 186 211
Montea N.V./S.A. is a PPIP (GVV – SIIC) - Montea Services BV (100%)
Registered office: Industrielaan 27, box 6, B-9320 Erembodegem (Aalst) | RCB Gand, Department Dendermonde 0742 845 794 | VAT BE742 845 794 - Montea GTE 1 BV (100%)
Registered office: Industrielaan 27, box 6, B-9320 Erembodegem (Aalst) | RPR Gand, Department Dendermonde 0757 964 037 | VAT DE349697370 - F.C.B. NV GVBF (100%)
Registered office: Industrielaan 27, bus 6 B-9320 Erembodegem (Aalst) | RPR Gand, Department Dendermonde 0440.810.659 | VAT BE440 810 659 - Challenge Office Park NV (100%)
Registered office: Industrielaan 27, bus 6 B-9320 Erembodegem (Aalst) | RPR Gand, Department Dendermonde 0473.589.929 | VAT BE473 589 929 - Montea Green Energy Belgium BV (51%)
Registered office: Industrielaan 27, bus 6 B-9320 Erembodegem (Aalst) | RPR Gand, Department Dendermonde 1016.870.695 | VAT BE1016 870 695 - Montea SA (Branch office) (100%)
- Registered office: FR-75008 Paris, 18-20 Place de la Madeleine | RCS PARIS 497 673 145.00023 | VAT FR06497673145
In order to expand its real estate activity in France, Montea established a branch office under the name Montea SCA, which also acquired the SIIC status as of 24 April 2007. Through this permanent establishment, Montea holds shares in seven French companies. - SFG BV (100%)
Registered office: EnTrada, Ellen Pankhurststraat 1C, NL-5032 Tilburg | VAT NL 8538 1015 1B01 - Montea Nederland B.V. (100%)
Registered office: EnTrada, Ellen Pankhurststraat 1C, NL-5032 Tilburg | VAT NL 8532 0878 5B01 - Montea Logistics I B.V. (100%)
Registered office: EnTrada, Ellen Pankhurststraat 1C, NL-5032 Tilburg | VAT NL 8614 0847 0B01 - Montea Logistics II B.V. (100%)
Registered office: EnTrada, Ellen Pankhurststraat 1C, NL-5032 Tilburg | VAT NL (NA) - Montea Logistics III B.V. (100%)
Registered office: EnTrada, Ellen Pankhurststraat 1C, NL-5032 Tilburg | VAT NL (NA) - Montea Almere SA (100%)
Registered office: EnTrada, Ellen Pankhurststraat 1C, NL-5032 Tilburg | VAT NL 8532 0962 5B01 - Montea Rotterdam SA (100%)
Registered office: EnTrada, Ellen Pankhurststraat 1C, NL-5032 Tilburg | VAT NL 8536 3171 2B01 - Montea Oss SA (100%)
Registered office: EnTrada, Ellen Pankhurststraat 1C, NL-5032 Tilburg | VAT NL 8544 8852 2B01 - Montea Beuningen SA (100%)
Registered office: EnTrada, Ellen Pankhurststraat 1C, NL-5032 Tilburg | VAT NL 8544 8833 9B01 - Montea 's Heerenberg SA (100%)
Registered office: EnTrada, Ellen Pankhurststraat 1C, NL-5032 Tilburg | VAT NL 8548 0023 2B01 - Montea Tiel B.V. (100%)
Registered office: EnTrada, Ellen Pankhurststraat 1C, NL-5032 Tilburg | VAT NL 8595 6923 8B01 - Europand Eindhoven B.V. (100%)
Registered office: EnTrada, Ellen Pankhurststraat 1C, NL-5032 Tilburg | VAT NL 8148 8265 1B01 - Montea Amsterdam Holding B.V. (100%)
Registered office: EnTrada, Ellen Pankhurststraat 1C, NL-5032 Tilburg | VAT NL 8645 3315 9B01 - Montea Holtum I B.V. (100%)
Registered office: EnTrada, Ellen Pankhurststraat 1C, NL-5032 Tilburg | VAT NL 8645 3603 3B01 - Montea Holtum II B.V. (100%)
Registered officed: EnTrada, Ellen Pankhurststraat 1C, NL-5032 Tilburg | VAT NL 8645 3589 2B01 - Montea Panoven I B.V. (100%)
Registered office: EnTrada, Ellen Pankhurststraat 1C, NL-5032 Tilburg | VAT NL 8645 6826 5B01 - Montea Panoven II B.V. (100%)
Registered office: EnTrada, Ellen Pankhurststraat 1C, NL-5032 Tilburg | VAT NL 8645 6818 6B01 - Montea Panoven III B.V. (100%)
Registered office: EnTrada, Ellen Pankhurststraat 1C, NL-5032 Tilburg | VAT NL 8645 6822 8B01 - Montea Panoven IV B.V. (100%)
Registered office: EnTrada, Ellen Pankhurststraat 1C, NL-5032 Tilburg | VAT NL 8645 6838 1B01 - Montea Panoven V B.V. (100%)
Registered officed: EnTrada, Ellen Pankhurststraat 1C, NL-5032 Tilburg | VAT NL 8645 3709 8B01 - Montea Panoven VI B.V. (100%)
Registered officed: EnTrada, Ellen Pankhurststraat 1C, NL-5032 Tilburg | VAT NL 8645 3660 4B01 - Montea Waddinxveen B.V. (100%)
- Registered office: EnTrada, Ellen Pankhurststraat 1C, NL-5032 Tilburg | VAT NL 8654 7058 3B01
- Montea Amsterdam Amstel B.V. (100%)
Registered office: EnTrada, Ellen Pankhurststraat 1C, NL-5032 Tilburg | VAT NL 8656 4621 1B01 - SCI Montea France (100%)
Registered office: FR-75008 Paris, 18-20 Place de la Madeleine | RCS PARIS 493 288 948.00018 | VAT FR33493288948 - SCI Montea Mesnil 1 (100%)
Registered office: 18-20 Place de la Madeleine, FR-75008 Paris | RCS PARIS 39 3856 463 | VAT FR8239 3856 463 - SCI 3R (100%)
Registered office: FR-75008 Paris, 18-20 Place de la Madeleine | RCS NANTERRE 400 790 366 | VAT FR44400790366 - SCI Sagittaire (100%)
Registered office: FR-75008 Paris, 18-20 Place de la Madeleine | RCS PARIS 433 787 967 VAT FR79433787967 - SCI Saxo (100%)
Registered office: FR-75008 Paris, 18-20 Place de la Madeleine | RCS PARIS 485 123 129 | VAT FR23485123129 - SCI Sévigné (100%)
Registered office: FR-75008 Paris, 18-20 Place de la Madeleine | RCS PARIS 438 357 659 | VAT FR48438357659 - SCI Socrate (100%)
Registered office: FR-75008 Paris, 18-20 Place de la Madeleine | RCS PARIS 481 979 292 | VAT FR16481979292 - SCI APJ (100%)
Registered office: FR-75008 Paris, 18-20 Place de la Madeleine | RCS PARIS 481 979 292 | VAT FR25435365945 - Montea Green Energy France SAS (100%)
Registered office: FR-75008 Paris, 18-20 Place de la Madeleine | RCS Paris 88 9967 162 | BTW FR6988 9967 162 - Montea GTE 2 GmbH (100%)
Registered office: GE-76135 Karlsruhe, Gartenstraße 67 | VAT DE328815225 - Montea Services Germany GmbH (100%)
Registered office: GE-76135 Karlsruhe, Gartenstraße 67 | VAT DE358010932 - Montea GTE3 S.à.r.l. (100%)
Registered office: L-2411 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 17, Boulevard F.W. Raiffeisen | VAT DE308795631