On October 8th 2024 our shareholders structure is as following:

The total capital of Montea amounts to EUR 468,405,095 and is represented by 22,983,634 fully paid-up ordinary shares. There are no preferred shares or non-voting shares, convertible bonds or warrants entitling to shares. Each of these shares carries one voting right at the General Shareholders Meeting and these shares thus represent the denominator for the purposes of notification under the transparency regulations (i.e. notifications in case of reaching, crossing or falling below the statutory or legal thresholds). In addition to the legal thresholds, the Montea Articles of Association specify an additional statutory threshold of 3% in accordance with article 18, §1 of the Transparency Law.

ShareholdersNumber of voting rights declared at date of notification% of voting rights at time of notificationDate of notification
Family De Pauw

Federale Verzekeringen - Rue de l’Etuve 12, 1000 Brussel788,2154.92%29/03/2021
Patronale Life – Bischoffsheimlaan 33, 1000 Brussel964,7858.03%06/09/2018
Ethias SA - rue des Croisiers 24 - 4000 Liège607,1305.23%28/09/2017
BlackRock group1,147,9714.99%16/10/2024
Other shareholders below the statutory threshold*17,422,513  


* The number of shares held by the public was determined on the assumption that the total number of shares held by shareholders obliged to make a transparency notification in accordance with the legal and statutory provisions has not changed since their most recent transparency declaration.