
Montea has embarked on the development of the new distribution centre for Carglass in Bilzen. The start of the works was celebrated with snacks and a drink at the construction site in Bilzen. The first pile of the distribution centre was driven into the ground by mayor Frieda Brepoels (N-VA), in the presence of Richard Tyler (Belron), Guido De Paepe (Carglass) and Jo De Wolf (Montea).

Next generation

The new distribution centre is designed for the next generation with an eye to the future and a great deal of attention for sustainability. To involve the next generation in this project, Carglass had organized a competition for the children of all the employees. On that festive afternoon, the winner of the competition could take place in the crane to drive in the first pile.

Given the long lifecycle of this ultramodern building, there is a strong likelihood that the children of today will embark on their professional career in this new building. A special place for the new generation was therefore more than justified during this festive afternoon.

44.800 m²

The new distribution centre for Carglass is a multimodal and ultramodern building, that will comprise 41.932 m² storage space and 2.874 m² office space, and play host to some 225 Carglass employees. The building will be commissioned in July 2018.

Contact Belgium
Team CDG
Christine De Glas
Head of Marketing & External Communication